
Here we will study complementary solutions to CDS, but always with a view to improving our health.

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֎  Aloe Vera

¤  Aloe Vera is a gift from heaven

Aloe Vera is a surprising and unique plant of its kind. Its leaves contain a gel very rich in nutrients, from which a fresh, nutritious and beneficial juice can be extracted. With hundreds of components, including several dozen recognized as " beneficial " for our health, the plant stands out among the best in the world.

¤  The 9 benefits of Aloe Vera

Source :

¤  Make your Aloe Vera gel

Caution is advised in making Aloe Vera gel from fresh leaves. Indeed it is imperative to eliminate the external part and any presence of latex from the Aloe Vera leaves to consume only the gel located in the center of the leaf. The latex is stinging and can cause burns on the skin.

It is also recommended to avoid the consumption of fresh Aloe Vera leaves, including gel, by children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and fragile people. People who suffer from any pathology or disorder should seek advice from a doctor or naturopath before consuming Aloe Vera gel, especially if it is an intestinal or cardiac disorder.
Source : sante.journaldesfemmes.f

¤  3 tips to store Aloe Vera gel for months

For conservation: "Like any "homemade" preparation, the conservation will not be very long (about 10 days), so prefer to prepare small quantities more regularly.

Fortunately, there are 3 simple and effective tips for storing Aloe Vera gel for months.

TIP N°1: freeze the gel in an ice cube tray

You can now store the Aloe Vera cubes for 1 year in the freezer.

TIP N°2: mix the gel with honey

With this trick, you can store Aloe Vera gel for 8 months. Make sure the gel is not exposed to sunlight. As the Aloe Vera is stored in gel form with the honey, it mixes very well with other products. Preferably choose a quality honey, to be able to keep the gel as long as possible.

TIP N°3: mix the gel with vitamin C

Once mixed with vitamin C, Aloe Vera gel will keep for 8 months in the refrigerator. In its raw state, the gel has a very gelatinous texture which is not very convenient to handle. By using this trick, the gel becomes liquid which is much more convenient to use. You can drink this Aloe Vera juice pure or mix it with other juices, smoothies or tea.

Source :

¤  Use of Aloe Vera gel

Can you use pure Aloe Vera gel ?

Yes it can be used pure, because the pulp of Aloe Vera is vegetable water, but be careful to only extract the inside of the plant, because the surrounding bark is relatively toxic due to its aloin content, very irritating to the body. The part in which we find the medicinal virtues of Aloe Vera is the jelly, which is in its leaf. This jelly is a mucillage, that is to say a plant substance, which swells on contact with water. When choosing your Aloe Vera, make sure the gel contains at least 99% organic Aloe Vera, preferably bearing the IASC label. For internal use, Aloe Vera must be purchased in its natural state, without transformation and obtained by cold stabilization. Also be careful that the word "pulp" appears on the container, because it is a regulated term which guarantees the quality of the product as well as its content. If you see the mentions "juice of", "extract of", "based on"... it is very often a whole leaf of Aloe Vera which has been crushed, dehydrated then rehydrated, therefore to be avoided.

How to use Aloe Vera gel on the face ?

Comment utiliser le gel d'Aloe Vera sur les cheveux ?

How to use Aloe Vera gel on the skin ?

Can you drink Aloe Vera gel?

Yes, but beware of the quality! For all disorders of the digestive system, prefer the gel, which descends more slowly and acts as a bandage. Drinking Aloe Vera gel should be as pure as possible with a little juice/water if needed.

Dosage: 1 small glass per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 weeks. The taking of Aloe Vera pulp is done at least over 3 months, because it acts in 3 phases:

If the laxative effect is too great, the dose is adjusted and gradually increased. It's good to go no more than 4 tablespoons a day. Be careful to drink well during the cure because Aloe Vera is very detoxifying and water will help eliminate toxins.

How to choose your Aloe Vera gel in pharmacies?

Aloe should not be pasteurized and should not contain preservatives like E202 (potassium sorbate), E211 (sodium benzoate) or citric acid.

The IASC label (International Science Council) guarantees that the gel has been stabilized as soon as it is recovered to fight against its oxidation. This label guarantees strict control to fight against the presence of pesticides, heavy metals and pathogens.

There may be gelling agents like guar or xanthan gum but nothing else.

It must be free of aloin (maximum 0.1 mg/kg).

The product must consist of at least 95% Aloe Vera gel.
Source :

¤  Reference documents:

֎  Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a natural remedy used to fight viruses and bacteria. It comes in the form of an ionic liquid solution based on water in which very fine particles of silver remain in suspension. It is in its colloidal form that silver is best assimilated by the body and most effective.

¤  What are the benefits of colloidal silver ?

Colloidal silver has anti-infective properties known since antiquity. During the 20th century, it was abandoned in favor of synthetic antibiotics. But for some time, it has been experiencing a resurgence of interest, in particular because of antibiotic resistance.

Colloidal silver has a powerful anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal action. "It is extremely germicidal, therefore antibiotic. Very few germs or microbes are resistant to colloidal silver". In 1978, an article written by Jim Powell in the scientific magazine Science Digest revealed that where an antibiotic could fight half a dozen pathogens, colloidal silver killed 650.

¤  Colloidal silver: to treat what ?

It speeds up the healing process. It stimulates the natural defenses to repair the skin. This is why it is also used on wounds and burns. "Colloidal silver regenerates the epithelium in the skin and helps to reduce inflammation. For everything that is burning, infection and inflammation of the skin such as eczema, acne and psoriasis, it will be effective as a spray or compress on the area several times a day", adds Loïc Ternisien.

Colloidal silver is also used on mucous membrane affections in case of vaginal candidiasis for example. Some eggs are made with colloidal silver and will have a local anti-inflammatory and antifungal action against candida.

Colloidal silver can be used in mouthwash to treat gingivitis, cavities, abscesses... It is also used by some in drops to treat conjunctivitis and ear infections.

¤  What contraindications ?

Taking colloidal silver by mouth is prohibited in Europe. Although rare, its internal consumption, poorly controlled, can lead to poisoning with silver particles, called argyrism. In November 2021, in the Jura, a man who had self-medicated with colloidal silver saw his skin turn blue irreparably and his liver and heart show damage due to this intoxication.

Externally, the use of colloidal silver has no harmful effect on the human body.

In any case, it is recommended not to use it daily and/or in high doses to avoid intoxication.

¤  How to choose the right colloidal silver ?

Several colloidal silvers are available for sale. It is found in the form of spray, ovules, in creams… In the bottle, the solution must be colorless with particles in suspension. The concentration of these particles should generally be between 5 and 20 parts per million (ppm). "In general, we stick to 15 or 20 ppm to have an effective action. If we have less ppm, we have less silver particles inside so it could be less effective. And if it there are more, it could also minimize the effectiveness", advances the naturopath (1). In a concentration higher than 25 ppm, the particles would tend to clump together and be less beneficial due to their larger size. Because the other important criterion for choosing your colloidal silver is the size of the particles. This must be as fine as possible to be effective.

¤  Colloidal silver: can you make it yourself ?

It is possible to make your own colloidal silver but the technique requires a minimum of knowledge, equipment and rigor. There are devices with silver electrodes that work with batteries, mains or even solar energy. The electric current produced gradually releases silver ions into the pure water. Some devices self-regulate voltage as conductivity increases to ensure uniform particle size. A motor located between the electrodes stirs the water to prevent particles from clumping together. The set costs several hundred euros and is therefore aimed at fans.

(1) Source(s): Interview with Loïc Ternisien, naturopath and author of "The ultimate guide to herbalism" (Albin Michel editions), published on the "Bio à la une" website.

¤  Further information

Text from [Christine S - L'Antidote Universel groupe de partage (Telegram)] :

« The concern is not that the colloidal silver precipitates or the like, it is that from 20 ppm (which is really the limit), the concentration of silver particles is too high and therefore less bioavailable for the body.
So not only does it become ineffective, but the higher the ppm, the more silver particles there are and therefore a real danger that the body considers this concentration as "heavy metals" and stores it somewhere in the body. .. where it could do damage.
We will then have obtained the opposite result of what we wanted, heavy metal poisoning instead of a boost and a healthy cleansing.
And "I never had any worries" does not mean that one did not begin to build up a harmful store in the body which will cause a problem later and which will never be attributed to excess money stored in the body!
This is what experts (physicist, chemist, biochemist) have explained to me over the years. I put you a screenshot of an article extract with the explanations of Justine Pommier, expert in the matter.

NB: The golden rule, the ideal is 10 ppm externally and 15 ppm internally.

If you want optimal bioavailability, i.e. silver ions (more numerous at these concentrations than silver particles) penetrate each of your cells and “cleanse” them of all viruses bacteria fungi yeasts .

I hope my explanations are clear enough, your health is at stake!!!

Years of ingestion of 25 ppm or more, we create a store of heavy metals, silver particles, in the body which sooner or later will participate in creating a health problem.
So why are concentrations above 20 ppm, potentially toxic, authorized for sale?
Among other things to discredit this product, effective (active against 600 pathogens, no antibiotic can do that!), inexpensive, which you can produce yourself, and certainly also out of ignorance or because "incidents" go into the meaning of Big Pharmacy.

Reminds you of one, or even two, other products we all use? Same scenario. Find the mistake ! »

Text from [FemininBio] :

« In a colloidal silver solution, the silver concentration is expressed in PPM: Parts Per Million.

Indeed, from a certain concentration, the water saturates and no longer assimilates the silver ions and these agglutinate more intensely to form particles. The effectiveness of colloidal silver depends on its composition. An ionic solution allows the passage of Ag+ ions into the cell medium. The particles are larger and stay longer in the body. They can act on the intestinal wall. There is more interest in consuming a solution containing ions and particles for optimized efficiency. I therefore advise you to use colloidal silver at 15 ppm ingested and 10 ppm for external use (on the skin, in the eyes, in the ears, in the nose...). »

¤  Reference documents:

֎  Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)

Dimethyl Sulfoxide also denoted DMSO is a polar organosulfur, aprotic solvent of formula C2H6OS.

It appears as a colorless liquid, which dissolves both polar and non-polar compounds, and which is miscible in a wide range of organic solvents, as well as in water. It penetrates the skin very easily and quickly before spreading throughout the body, which explains why a person having received it on the skin can then quickly feel a taste of garlic in the mouth.

¤  The origin of DMSO

Dimethyl sulfoxide, abbreviated DMSO, is an atmospheric reaction product of ocean plankton gas emission. When the rain falls, the liquid DMSO is distributed around the world, absorbed by all foliage plants and integrated into the weft substance. The amazing variety of effects of dimethyl sulfoxide has been the subject of extensive research by groups of medical and natural scientists in the years since its therapeutic qualities were discovered in 1965.

The amount of data obtained for this natural substance, which temporarily seemed forgotten, is very remarkable and has been published in tens of thousands of articles in specialized journals and books.

There are various reasons why this inexpensive product remained out of therapeutic reach for several years. Dimethyl sulfoxide, more of an overall therapeutic principle than an individual remedy, will receive more attention once we fully understand its effects and learn about its practical uses.

¤  The effects of DMSO

DMSO is a low molecular weight substance with a very simple structure and therefore its therapeutic diversity is all the more amazing. The proven effects of DMSO are: rapid penetration of biological membranes, possibly under the entrainment of other active substances, elimination of free radicals, stimulation of the function of the parasympathetic nervous system, pain relief, muscle relaxation and vascular expansion, regeneration tissue, anticoagulation, immunomodulation. This list can be further extended. While such a wide array of desirable attributes of an individual remedy may surprise us, it is important to understand that almost all of them can be attributed to DMSO's interaction with water. Water is the determining factor of biochemical and physical processes in the body, because all structures such as enzymes, membranes and organelles functionally rely on intact, clearly structured and well-ordered shell water on their surface, which makes such exchange reactions possible in the first place.

DMSO and water molecules have a special attraction for each other, based on electrostatic effects, since in both cases they are the so-called dipoles. We can rightly speak of a "molecular couple" and do not need any complex equipment to prove it. Put a few drops of each liquid in your palm and you will immediately feel the attraction and interaction between the water and the DMSO, which leads to a surprising and immediately noticeable release of energy. In this regard, remember that by definition, our body is an aqueous solution - composed of more than 50% water. From a scientific point of view, this resulting release of energy at the level of material particles is the structuring or modulation of information.

The main effect of DMSO can be seen in the reinformation interaction with the aqueous structures of biological systems, a fact that makes this substance a complete channel opener. Other effects of DMSO, such as increased oxygen saturation or scavenging of hydroxyl radicals, rely on the participation of metabolic processes, in the form of biochemical reactions. Moreover, DMSO is a substance providing a substrate in terms of organic sulfur which can be easily used.

In alternative and classical medicine, dimethyl sulfoxide is approved as an anti-inflammatory and regulating tissue regeneration remedy. In particular, it is applied for inflammation, pain relief, injuries, disturbed blood circulation, infection and also metabolic, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. The particularly restorative effects on damaged tissue also make DMSO very useful for cosmetic treatments, such as the correction of scar tissue.

¤  The practical application of DMSO

The practical use of DMSO is possible internally and externally, while internally it can be taken orally in the form of a drinkable solution or in the form of infusions or injections. For external application of DMSO, appropriate dilutions with water or preparations such as cream or gel can be applied to damaged or painful skin areas.

Rubbing the skin with solutions of DMSO can also be used to transport effective doses of it through the body, as it is efficiently absorbed through the skin and rapidly dispersed throughout the body. Due to its ability to transport or taxi other small molecular substances, DMSO is not only used alone, but is also often used in combination with other alternative remedies by mixing the substances or applying them / administering at the same time.

¤  Les six règles d'application 

For the practical use of DMSO, six simple rules should be followed:

Further explanations of the 6 rules

¤  Recommended dosage

¤  Appropriate dilution of DMSO (recommended by Dr. Hartmut Fischer)

DMSO can be diluted in several ways for internal and external use. Depending on the region of the body, these approximate concentrations of DMSO are recommended:

Note: You can adjust these concentrations according to your experience but be careful and take small steps while doing a compatibility test before any major applications!

¤  Conclusion

DMSO is a globally effective channel opener. It induces in a surprisingly harmonious way the regulation and renewal of metabolic processes, tissue function and cellular immune performance. Other remedies or therapeutic methods can also be intensified by simultaneous application of DMSO.

Source  : DMSO – Application of an Effective Natural Substance -
Contact : Dr. Hartmut Fischer, Natural Scientist, Alternative Practitioner -

¤  Reference documents:

¤  <<*>> Stroke Protocol <<*>>

֎  Eau oxygénée (Peroxyde d'hydrogène)

¤  Aperçu

Le peroxyde d'hydrogène  [ H2O2 ] est un composé chimique, généralement produit sous forme de solutions aqueuses de différentes forces. Il a été découvert en 1818 et est disponible dans le commerce depuis le XIXe siècle

Le peroxyde d'hydrogène a de nombreuses utilisations potentielles, mais aussi plusieurs problèmes de sécurité si les gens l'utilisent de manière incorrecte. C'est un antiseptique doux utilisé sur la peau pour prévenir l'infection, c'est aussi un ingrédient commun dans de nombreux agents de blanchiment, colorants, nettoyants, etc.

Remarque : L'eau oxygénée vendue en pharmacie existe en différentes valeurs de dilution (10, 20 ou 30 volumes). Seule la dilution à 10 volumes peut être utilisée comme antiseptique et hémostatique.

¤  Concentrations de peroxyde d'hydrogène

◉ Le peroxyde d'hydrogène peut avoir différentes forces ou concentrations, selon l'utilisation prévue. Les concentrations sont le plus souvent exprimées en pourcentage : 3%, 10%, 30%, etc. Parfois la concentration est indiquée par un "V" : V20, V40, etc. Une concentration de 3% correspond à V10.

◉ Le terme "10V = 10 volumes" signifie qu'un litre de solution peut libérer 10 litres d'oxygène actif.

¤  Peroxyde d'hydrogène à des fins médicales

◉ Dans le secteur de la santé, le peroxyde d'hydrogène est utilisé pour différents rôles :

Note :

¤  Documents de référence :

֎  Fasting

¤  The different types of fasting

According to Yoshinori Ohsumi ️ (Nobel Prize in the field of Physiology and Medicine.
"When the human body is hungry, it eats itself, it does a cleaning process, eliminating all the diseased cells, cancer, aging cells and Alzheimer's. Stay young and fight diabetes Creation of special proteins that only form under certain circumstances And when they are finished, the body selectively gathers around the dead cancer cells, dissolves them and restores the state the body enjoys This is what recycling looks like.Scientists have succeeded through long and specialized research that the process of autophagy requires unusual conditions that force the body to do this process.These circumstances force a person to refrain from eating and drink for 16 hours (Cycle 8/16).The human should function normally during this period.This process should be repeated for some time in order to 'reach the body for maximum utilization and prevent diseased cells from reacting. It is recommended to repeat the process of hunger and thirst two to three days a week."
Fasting for Health and Longevity - Yoshinori Ohsumi.pdf  

¤  Fasting and CDS

Although it is not specifically advised to take CDS while fasting, it is possible to take it with a little caution regarding the dose, as the body may react more strongly.

¤  Fasting and Chemotherapy

One hypothesis tries to demonstrate that fasting for 2 days before undergoing chemotherapy can improve the result AND reduce the side effects. But this can only be done if the patient's physical condition permits (most cancer patients are malnourished, in which case fasting may not be ideal). Here is how it works in broad outline: when you fast, after 6 to 8 hours the glucoses are exhausted, then after 12 to 16 hours it is the turn of the proteins to be exhausted. At this time the body's cells no longer have the necessary elements to reproduce by division and will enter a so-called "repair" phase using the "pieces" of damaged cells, and in fact this mechanism is very effective. and as a bonus: the cell protects itself from any external influence. On the other hand, cancer cells are unable to put themselves in this "repair/protect" mode, and need glucose to thrive, so they are weakened and become much more susceptible to being destroyed by chemotherapy, while cells are in "protected" mode.

As a result, chemotherapy would be much more effective against cancer cells and less damaging to healthy cells, resulting in less inconvenience for the patient. Article: jeûne et chimio (in French, but Google can translate)

¤  Reference documents:

֎  Hydrogen

¤  Hydrogen Medicine Dosages, Forms, Benefits, Warnings and Uses

Hydrogen [ H2 ] is the smallest and most abundant atom in the Universe. We are hydrogen beings as well as carbon and oxygen beings.

Hydrogen medicine is a revolution that is sweeping the world of medicine. The administration of hydrogen with oxygen delivers a healing power hitherto unknown. Hydrogen has antioxidant properties and the ability to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Numerous studies have confirmed that the consumption of hydrogen gas and water helps patients suffering from various disorders, including the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The hydrogen medicine can be administered with a hydrogen inhaler, which can also produce your hydrogen water. Or one can simply drop hydrogen tablets into a glass of water.

Hydrogen (gas) inhaler: We have three important gases that we can easily use at home, oxygen, CO2 and now hydrogen. Medical gases trigger natural physiological responses, enhance self-healing abilities, and give us life, health, and long life if we can balance the three gases.

Hydrogenated Water: Hydrogen-rich water is convenient for personal hydration. It elevates oral medicine to the level of intravenous medicine due to ultra-fast absorption and dispersal deep into cells. Water can become the ultimate medicine when hydrogen, magnesium, bicarbonate and iodine are added to it.

NASA is researching hydrogen water to protect its astronauts from radiation during space travel. Perfect for the anti-aging crowd, we'll soon find hydrogen widely used in intensive care, emergency departments, and even ambulances.

Some of the research-backed benefits of molecular hydrogen include:

More than 1400 peer-reviewed studies from around the world have demonstrated that molecular hydrogen is a unique antioxidant.

¤  Hydrogenated water, another way to absorb hydrogen

Hydrogenated water: does it have any health benefits?

Hydrogen water (also called Kangen water, named after a popular generator) is ordinary water to which hydrogen gas has been added. According to some resources, adding hydrogen gas to water increases its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been touted for its ability to increase energy, slow the aging process, and improve muscle recovery after a workout.

Manufacturers sometimes sell bottled hydrogenated water with the gas already added. You can also buy hydrogen generator tablets. Drop one in a glass of water to add the gas.

Current research on the health benefits of hydrogen water is limited, and more research is needed to confirm these findings. However, it is the Japanese who have done the most research on the benefits of hydrogen water and it is one of the therapies used by Japanese medicine.

Nutrition information

Hydrogenated water has the same nutritional information as water, zero Calories. The mineral and vitamin content of hydrogenated water varies depending on where the water comes from.

Potential Health Benefits of Hydrogen Water

Experts believe there may be some benefits to drinking hydrogen water. But many are not sure whether they are superior to those of ordinary water. Staying hydrated in general is a great way to stay healthy.

Many medical experts agree that more research is needed to discover or verify the benefits of hydrogen water. Based on preliminary studies, the potential health benefits include:

A study in 10 soccer players showed that drinking hydrogen water can reduce muscle fatigue and decline in muscle function caused by exercise. But more research is needed.

Disease prevention

Hydrogen water has an antioxidant effect. Antioxidants help prevent oxidative stress. This type of stress comes from both normal bodily functions and external forces, including sun exposure and industrial chemicals. Oxidative stress can lead to cancer and other diseases.

These preliminary studies also suggest that hydrogen water may be anti-inflammatory, a quality that may reduce the risk of heart disease and other life-threatening conditions.

Potential Risks of Hydrogen Water

Experts don't believe there are any risks in drinking hydrogen water. But they don't know if its benefits outweigh normal water or staying hydrated in general.

Drinking too much water poses the risk of lifelong hyponatremia. This happens when your kidneys can't get rid of excess water and the sodium content in your blood is diluted. Hyponatremia can be life threatening.

However, you need to drink plenty of water for hyponatremia to occur. Usually only athletes performing intense exercise are at risk.

There are a number of devices to "make" hydrogenated water, and there are for all prices.

¤  Reference documents:

֎  Magnesium (chloride)

Magnesium is another of those elements that our body needs. 

Text from [Dr. Mark Sircus]

¤  Magnesium is the ultimate heart medicine

Forty percent of all first heart attacks end in death! Magnesium's most crucial action is its vasodilating effects, which improve blood supply to ischemic areas and reduce infarct size. A ten-year study of 2,182 men in Wales found that those who ate a diet low in magnesium had a 50% higher risk of sudden death from heart attack than those who consumed a third more magnesium. Due to a lack of magnesium, the heart muscle may develop a spasm or cramp and stop beating. Most people, including doctors, don't know this, but without enough magnesium, we will die. When someone dies of a heart attack, people never say, « He died of magnesium deficiency ».

¤  Magnesium potency is dose sensitive

The only question with magnesium is the dosage needed for it to do its job for each person. When I say one gram a day, I'm talking about magnesium medicine, not magnesium supplementation. Few people still know or understand that magnesium can and should be used as the drug of choice.

Magnesium performs hundreds of essential functions in the body and one of them relates to the efficiency of red blood cells and their ability to carry oxygen.

Knowing the proper dosages is important for practitioners and patients alike because dosages are mission critical to achieve therapeutic effects. Low doses do not achieve clinical results! Over the years, the mistake I have seen made many times is underdosing. Healing substances like magnesium become first-line drugs when doses are brought to the level of what doctors might use during cardiac arrest in intensive care units and emergency departments. So if ordinary pharmaceuticals don't do the trick and the patient is dying, a reasonable emergency physician would look for magnesium; but they would give it intravenously.

¤  The dose works in Allopathic Natural Medicine, where the dose makes the poison in modern medicine.

A supplement of 500mg per day is likely to meet the needs of many people. However, we have to take into account the added stress that almost everyone experiences and the decreasing value of minerals in our food. But if you feel extremely stressed, if you have irregular heartbeats, if you feel tightness in your chest, if you suffer from pain, if you have diabetes, cancer, neurological disease, etc., consider one gram as the minimum dose.

Suppose one is looking to get the most out of magnesium as a medicine to treat acute and chronic diseases. In this case, one can easily think of 1 to 3 grams per day divided into several doses, so as not to exceed the intestinal tolerance.

The good news is that magnesium can also be applied transdermally, meaning you can put it directly on your skin, take magnesium-laden foot soaks, and full baths. You can even nebulize it. My favorite being the magnesium massage.

Oral Consumption Taken for Bowel Tolerance: Magnesium is the perfect medicine for constipation because high levels relax the bowels. Thus, one can navigate the oral dosage by reaching the level of intake that causes the stool to loosen. Then reduce the dosage, let the body get used to it and slowly increase again until bowel tolerance. I use magnesium chloride or magnesium bicarbonate, but all forms are helpful to one degree or another.

¤  Heavy Magnesium Guns

Magnesium is strongly linked to the immune system in non-specific and specific immune responses, also known as innate and acquired immune response. Dr. Raul Vergini says: “Magnesium chloride has a unique healing power on acute viral and bacterial diseases. It cured poliomyelitis and diphtheria, which was the main subject of my magnesium book.” Every few hours, a few grams of magnesium chloride will eliminate almost any acute disease. I have seen many flu cases cleared in 24-48 hours with 3 grams of magnesium chloride taken every 6-8 hours.

Dr. Vergini wrote, "I was looking for a solution to clean wounds because Dr. Delbet had discovered that traditional antiseptic solutions actually mortified tissue and facilitated infection instead of preventing it." He tested several mineral solutions and discovered that magnesium chloride has a great effect on leukocyte activity (increases leukocytes to fight infection) and phagocytosis; it was therefore perfect for the treatment of external wounds.

In 1915, a French surgeon, Professor Pierre Delbet, M.D wrote: "From a practical point of view, remember that only MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE, and no other salt of magnesium, possesses this cytophylactic activity". The solution to use is a 2.5% solution of magnesium chloride hexahydrate MgCl2-6H2O ] (i.e. 25 grams in 1 liter of water).

The doses are as follows:

Medicines should be safe in the emergency room while providing an instant burst of healing power. Magnesium chloride has the advantage of being administered intravenously, intramuscularly, orally, as well as vaporized through a nebulizer, and in the form of a transdermal lotion. In anesthesia and intensive care, the preferred route of administration is IV.

Since oral doses are limited by bowel tolerance, it is useful to use transdermal applications. For example, one can spray magnesium oil topically and sit in the sun or have someone massage in the magnesium oil for the most delicious medical treatment. You can also load your baths with Magnesium and bicarbonate.

A retired doctor with diabetic neuropathy could tolerate up to 20 grams a day to control his neuropathy. His high levels were needed because he suffered from magnesium loss disease.

¤  9 Signs you might have Magnesium deficiency and how to treat it

Causes of Magnesium deficiency

Once thought to be relatively rare, magnesium deficiency is more common than most doctors realize. Here's why:

Should you be worried about a magnesium deficiency? It all depends on your risk factors and presenting symptoms (see below). Also, about 80% of people have low levels of magnesium, so chances are you're probably deficient.

Take note: only 1% of the magnesium in your body is in your bloodstream, so often you can have a deficiency, and it wouldn't even be discovered by a common blood test.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms

Many people can be magnesium deficient without even knowing it. Here are some key symptoms to look out for that could indicate if you are deficient:

Are you at risk for magnesium deficiency?

So who is most susceptible to magnesium deficiency? According to the National Institute of Health, not everyone is created equal when it comes to magnesium metabolism and assimilation. In fact, some people are inherently at higher risk of developing magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency can be genetically inherited as an inability to absorb this important mineral. Also, a diet low in magnesium-rich foods or even emotional or work-related stress can drain magnesium from the body. Whether it is hereditary, due to poor nutrition or even stress, a magnesium deficiency can lead to side effects such as migraines, diabetes, fatigue, etc.

The four most significant risk groups include:

¤  Conclusion

There is no more powerful healing system than one that uses the primordial substances of Nature, materials so pure and close to Nature that they provide benefits without the typical side effects of most drugs. The secret of safe and effective medicine lies in the use of medicinal substances which have no side effects in reasonable doses. It's the very meaning of security, something that won't hurt or hurt you.

¤  Reference documents:

► Dr. Mark Sircus (Acupuncturist, Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine) is a prolific writer and author of amazing books on medicine and health. It promotes the use of magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and iodine to inexpensively treat most health conditions.

֎  Quinton Water (Marine Plasma)

René Quinton, is a French naturalist, physiologist and biologist, who developed a theory on the origin and marine nature of living organisms. From 1895, René Quinton will develop a theory according to which certain conditions of temperature, composition and concentration of chemical compounds of the environment in which living cells evolve are optimal for the development and activity of these cells. According to Quinton, the ideal conditions would be those of the marine environment at the origins of life. He will thus publish L'Eau de mer, milieu organique (1905) exposing his work on the subject. On March 26, 1907, Quinton opened the first "marine dispensary" in Paris, rue de l'Arrivée. Applying his theory, he injects his patients with Quinton marine plasma presented as having therapeutic virtues. Its success (300 injections per day) led to the creation of other dispensaries, in Paris and soon in many cities in France and abroad. Popular during his lifetime, his work was quickly called into question by progress in biology (Sea water not being patentable, therefore does not interest big pharma).

¤  What is Quinton Water?

This cold microfiltered raw marine fluid is an isotonic blend of cold seawater microfiltered with pristine alpine spring water to the same consistency as blood plasma - an ideal product to help restore the bioterrain that provides nutrients to every cell in the body.


¤  Quinton Hypertonic Water

We are talking about pure sea water. This is the most concentrated form of mineral salts (34‰). This form is 3 times more concentrated than our internal liquids, which is why its raw consumption is only recommended in certain very specific cases.

It is interesting to consume it in its pure state in hypertonic to obtain a rapid effect on the body, to prevent energy expenditure or after intense physical effort such as after a heavy sports session.

Hypertonic seawater is also recommended for people suffering from excessive fatigue and exhaustion. A pure sip can give the body a boost, but a drinkable cure of isotonic quinton water is more recommended in the long term.


¤  Quinton Isotonic Water

It is a diluted drinkable formula based on approximately one-third hypertonic quinton water and two-thirds low-mineral spring water. Its concentration of mineral salts then becomes equivalent to that of blood plasma (9‰). A real immune system stimulant, isotonic quinton water helps regenerate the body. It then becomes interesting for people deficient in trace elements and minerals, as well as for people suffering from chronic problems.

Quinton isotonic water is consumed in the form of a drinkable cure for 1 to 6 months, renewable.

¤  Is Quinton Isotonic water good for you?

Isotonic seawater promotes hydration and remineralization because it contains a large amount of minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.) and trace elements. It works to naturally replenish minerals and provides most of the elements the body needs.

¤  How is Quinton water consumed?

If you are consuming it for the first time.

It is important to gradually adapt your body to the consumption of marine plasma because it constitutes a powerful mineral contribution. If you have never done a Quinton cure, we therefore advise you to go through a 3-week preparation phase.

The best time to consume marine plasma is in the morning on an empty stomach and in the middle of the afternoon between meals. As a reminder, an oral drinkable cure is always done with isotonic seawater. To obtain it, dilute your hypertonic water to the tune of one third for two thirds of weakly mineralized spring water.

How do I choose the right dilution water?

The water best suited for the dilution of hypertonic seawater is low mineralized water, i.e. water whose dry residues are less than 100mg per litre. The best being when the residues are less than 50mg per litre. Currently in France, waters such as Rosée de la Reine, Montcalm, Volvic or Mont Roucous correspond to this criterion.

In France, all drinking water and all water sold in bottles must be analyzed and their residue level after heating to 180°C must be made public. You will find on the analyzes or on the bottles this information given as follows: Dry residue at 180°C: X Mg/L. The pH of the water you choose is also an asset in the quality of your final mixture. The closer the pH is to 7.4, the better this water will be. Prefer water with a pH between 6 and 8. However, the most important indication remains that of the number of dry residues. Since the plastic packaging of a bottle of spring water is always a source of pollution, favor the purchase of a water purifier or an osmosis unit.

For daily well-being, prevention or maintenance of vitality, take a drinkable oral cure for 1 to 6 months, renewable.

For this, we recommend a dose of 500ml of Isotonic seawater per day, the equivalent of a gourd.

For deep cleansing or if you have a chronic problem, take an oral drinkable cure for 3 to 6 months, renewable

For this, we recommend a dose of 750ml of Isotonic seawater per day, the equivalent of a large glass in the morning on an empty stomach as well as a water bottle throughout the day.

After your cure, maintain your minerality throughout the year!

To do this, we advise you to drink a large glass of Sea-AquaCell's isotonic seawater every morning on an empty stomach and to incorporate marine plasma into your diet and your sports routine.

Are there any adverse effects when consuming Quinton Plasma?

There are no adverse effects from consuming Sea-AquaCell's seawater. However, there may be unpleasant effects for some. They are characterized by bothersome symptoms, preventing normal day-to-day functioning, and due to cleansing your body. These unpleasant effects will never be due to the fact that you "can't stand" sea plasma. The compatibility with your internal liquids being perfect. This cleaning can be done in a more or less energetic way and you will feel it more or less importantly. If such unpleasant effects appear (nausea, diarrhea, migraines, etc.) it is then necessary to reduce the dose, but do not stop your treatment.

What are the contraindications to drinking Quinton water?

Not recommended for people undergoing treatment for hypertension and cardiovascular disease as well as people with renal and hepatic insufficiency. For pregnant women, refer to a specialist. The indications and dosages are given for information only and do not constitute a medical prescription. The use of sea water is the sole responsibility of the user.

¤  How is seawater stored?

How to store hypertonic marine plasma?

Store your bottle of hypertonic seawater at room temperature, i.e. between 4° and 20° even after opening. It can be consumed within 2 years on average. In addition, keep your bottle away from light because its exposure to the sun accelerates the growth of phytoplankton even though this process is natural and not harmful.

Frequently asked question: Can regularly opening my bottle of Hypertonic seawater introduce bacteria inside?

Marine Plasma has Geno Bacterial function. This implies that it helps destroy unwanted bacteria, a kind of natural selective antibiotic. Therefore, it is impossible to see pathogenic microbial cultures growing in seawater bottles.

How to store isotonic marine plasma?

In order to keep all the properties of Marine Plasma intact, keep your isotonic seawater in the refrigerator between 2 and 3 days maximum after dilution or opening the bottle of isotonic. Moreover, it is advisable to consume your mixture in the same amount of time.

¤  Reference documents:

֎  Térébentine (Essence de)

La térébenthine (aussi appelée esprit de térébenthine, essence de térébenthine, térébenthène), est une huile essentielle bien connue extraite par distillation de l'oléorésine de pin, optenue par l'entaillage des arbres du genre Pinus. Souvent utilisée comme solvant spécialisé, c'est aussi une source de matière pour les synthèses organiques.
Il existe une autre térébenthine dite "naturelle" qui est distillée à partir d'aiguilles de pin. Cette dernière n'a pas les mêmes caractéristiques médicales que celle distillée à partir de la résine.

La térébenthine minérale ou d'autres distillats de pétrole sont utilisés comme substitut de la térébenthine naturelle (bien que les constituants chimiques soient très différents) et sont principalement utilisés comme diluant pour peinture, et ne peuvent en aucu cas être consommés.

La térébenthine a des propriétés antifongiques, antiseptiques, antibactériennes, antimicrobiennes, insecticides, pesticides, antioxydantes, sédatives, anti-inflammatoires et analgésiques, et autres.

La térébenthine naturelle est utilisée en médecine depuis l'Antiquité, comme remèdes maison topiques et parfois internes. Topiquement, il a été utilisé pour les écorchures et les plaies, comme traitement contre les poux, et lorsqu'il est mélangé à de la graisse animale, il a été utilisé comme frottement de la poitrine ou comme inhalateur pour les affections du nez et de la gorge. Les crèmes pour la poitrine Vicks contiennent toujours de la térébenthine dans leurs formulations, mais pas en tant qu'ingrédient actif.

¤  Usage interne de la térébenthine

Prise en interne, elle peut être utilisée comme traitement contre les parasites intestinaux uni- et pluricellulaires, tous les types de levures et de champignons (candida), les bactéries, les virus, les protozoaires, les poux, etc., y compris l' autisme, car il est maintenant reconnu que l'autisme est lié à la présence de parasites.

Dr Daniels préconise de prendre la térébenthine avec du sucre.

Le sucre a deux fonctions :

Donc si vous prenez de l’huile, ça entoure la térébenthine et la rend moins puissante, pareil pour les graisses et aucun n’agit comme appât sur les parasites, ni ne délivrent la térébenthine lentement à l’organisme. 

Remarque : l'huile de ricin a des propriétés différentes des autres huiles et fonctionne bien avec la térébenthine. Et elle a un intérêt pour accélérer le transit.

Avant toutes choses, utiliser uniquement de la térébenthine naturelle vendue dans un contenant en verre.

¤  Commencer la térébenthine, protocole pour débuter et éviter les Herx(1).

¤  Documents de référence :

Autre source : Canal Térébentine sur Telegram

(1) Herx: la réaction dite de Jarisch-Herxheimer, est souvent le résultat d'une dose trop forte de térébenthine détruisant plus d'agents patogênes que ce que le corps est en mesure d'éliminer normalement, ce qui entraîne une accumulation de toxines qui provoque une réaction inflammatoire de l'organisme.
(2) La quantité d'huile de ricin est à déterminer au cas par cas, par experimentation. 

֎  Vitamin C

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid and ascorbate) is a water-soluble vitamin found in citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables, and also sold as a dietary supplement. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in tissue repair, collagen formation and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. It is important for the functioning of the immune system. It also functions as an antioxidant.

Vitamin C must be taken in overdose, to treat fairly serious illnesses and doses can go up to 20 g (twenty grams).

However, sites selling health products are closely monitored by the health authorities. Regarding vitamin C, it is specified that the AJR dosage (Recommended Daily Allowance) must be respected, which would be 1g. The site cannot therefore recommend doses higher than the risk of being sanctioned for the illegal practice of medicine and the closure of the sales site on the spot. Conclusion: online businesses sell, for advice you have to look elsewhere.

¤  The 4 ways to take vitamin C:

My source: I buy here but it can also be found on Amazon, but it is more expensive.

¤  The dosage

The optimal dosage of vitamin C is different from person to person and/or depends on the state of health of the person at the time of taking it.

For example, a healthy person will need 1 g (random number). If she takes 2g the overdose will be rejected. She will have a 1g overdose that will pass in the stool (often as diarrhea), mild overdoses will pass out in the urine. This same person with the flu will take 2g without having any diarrhea and can gradually increase the dose until diarrhea starts and then go back down to the previous dose without diarrhea. It is precisely the diarrhea that determines the correct dosage.

Example: "I'm sick, I take 1 g, no diarrhea, I go up to 2 g, still no diarrhea, I go up to 2.5 g... nothing... I continue to 3 g... hop I have diarrhea, I go back down to 2.5 g.
My dose will therefore be 2.5g until cured or until I have diarrhea at 2.5g in which case I gradually reduce the dose to zero grams. That's how it works."

Ceux qui ont un cancer doivent augmenter de beaucoup les doses avant d'avoir une diarrhée.

C'est pourquoi la forme liposomale est intéressante, car on estime que 1 g de vitamine C liposomale et équivalent à environ 6 g d'acide L ascorbique.

¤  CDS and Vitamin C

When one is led to take vitamin C during a cure of CDS, it will be necessary to wait at least 2 hours before taking CDS, to see more if it is liposomal.

Best in this case, is to delay taking vitamin C for one to two hours after the last dose of CDS, or just before sleeping. Moreover, while you sleep, you benefit from a better absorption of it.

¤  Reference documents:

֎  Zéolithe

¤  Qu'est ce que la Zéolithe et à quoi peut-elle servir ?

La zéolithe est un minéral volcanique naturel, composé principalement de dioxyde de silicium, qui s'est formé il y a des millions d'années. Lorsque les volcans entrent en éruption, la lave en fusion et les cendres volcaniques crachées par un volcan sur une île ou près d'un océan finissent dans la mer. Grâce à une réaction chimique entre les cendres du volcan et le sel marin, des zéolithes se forment dans la lave qui s'est durcie pendant des milliers d'années.

Le nom « zéolithe » vient de la combinaison des mots grecs zeo (bouillir) et lithos (pierre). Son efficacité découle du fait qu'elle est alcaline, elle détoxifie l'organisme du mercure et des métaux lourds en général. C'est une thérapie naturelle qui permet d'assainir l'organisme et favorise l'élimination de ses déchets.

Comment agit la zéolithe dans notre corps ?

Il existe neuf types de zéolithe : à usage humain, vétérinaire, à usage industriel. La clinoptilolite est recommandée pour un usage humain.

La clinoptilolite peut contenir presque tous les éléments du tableau périodique des éléments chimiques. Sa structure cristalline est formée de tétraèdres qui donnent naissance à un réseau tridimensionnel, dans lequel chaque atome d'oxygène est partagé par deux atomes de silicium (tectosilicate).

Lorsqu'ils sont ingérés, tous les métaux lourds (mercure, plomb, cadmium, arsenic, etc.), les toxines et les produits chimiques nocifs qui ont une charge positive sont attirés et piégés par la zéolithe pour être naturellement expulsés du corps par les urines, les selles et par la sueur ou la transpiration.

C'est cette propriété chargée négativement de la zéolithe qui agit comme un aimant pour extraire les toxines du corps et les piéger dans sa structure moléculaire, les expulsant hors du corps en tant que déchets sans aucun effet secondaire.

De cette manière, la zéolithe libère l'organisme des métaux lourds, toxines et polluants de différentes origines. Pour tout cela, la zéolithe est considérée comme une pierre intelligente en réalisant cette transformation ionique, en encapsulant tous ces éléments toxiques, radioactifs (issus de la chimiothérapie) dans l'organisme.

Le pouvoir de la zéolithe contre les métaux lourds repose sur sa capacité à faire la distinction entre les molécules utiles et toxiques ; elle se lie facilement aux métaux lourds et toxiques et a peu ou pas d'affinité pour les structures utiles (plus grandes, plus légères, faiblement chargées). Cela explique que la zéolithe peut expulser des molécules toxiques telles que l'arsenic (diamètre 1,8 Ämfort) et n'agit pas sur les molécules de minéraux utiles et bénéfiques tels que le potassium (diamètre 2,8 Ä), aidant dans son cheminement vers la distribution des minéraux utiles (calcium, sodium, magnésium, phosphore) et l'acide généré par les ions hydrogène, réalisant l'alcalinisation du sang, reminéralisant et oxygénant ainsi notre corps.

Une fois son objectif rempli (capturer les éléments nocifs), la zéolithe chargée de substances toxiques quitte rapidement l'organisme. Ses restes sont éliminés du corps en 6 à 8 heures environ, avec les toxines.

Comme la zéolithe est un silicate d'aluminium, un minéral qui contient de l'oxyde d'aluminium (Al2O3) et de la silice (SiO2), il est important de préciser que ses molécules d'aluminium sont entourées d'atomes d'oxygène, elles ne peuvent donc pas passer dans l'organisme (aluminium non échangeable) et peut à la place absorber les molécules d'aluminium toxiques présentes dans le corps.

Lors de la prise de zéolithe, il est important de boire beaucoup d'eau, car elle peut provoquer une légère déshydratation, en raison d'une plus grande demande d'eau dans le processus de nettoyage chimique, d'où la nécessité d'une hydratation adéquate avec de l'eau minérale et filtrée. Certaines personnes, avec une charge toxique élevée dans le corps, peuvent ressentir de légères nausées, qui disparaissent rapidement.

Source: [Marien Barrientos], traduit de l'espagnol.

¤  Les bénéfices induits de la Zéolithe

Le silicium est le minéral le plus important dans la formation de la vie sur notre planète, mais nous ne parlons que de calcium. On sait depuis longtemps qu'une bonne santé osseuse n'est en aucun cas liée au calcium, mais au silicium. Il existe de nombreuses études qui montrent un effet positif du silicium sur une variété de maladies. Les rhumatismes, l'arthrose, l'ostéoporose, l'inflammation chronique, les problèmes digestifs et de nombreuses autres maladies peuvent apporter une amélioration significative chez les patients avec des zéolithes naturelles.

Aphrodite, la déesse grecque de l'amour et de la beauté, mais aussi Cléopâtre savaient que le silicium non seulement vous garde jeune, mais vous nettoie également. À l'intérieur et à l'extérieur. Aucun cosmétique ne peut faire autant de bien que la zéolithe. De l'extérieur comme "masque" et comme silicium colloïdal et de l'intérieur comme nettoyant, polisseur et équilibreur.

Le fait est que de nos jours la nourriture ne fournit qu'une fraction des minéraux et les gens souffrent d'une soi-disant dysminéralose. Trop peu de minéraux entraînent un déséquilibre acido-basique, c'est-à-dire une suracidification et un manque d'électrolytes.

Ensuite, il y a les conséquences de la pollution de l'environnement sur les personnes qui en sont « jonchées ». Beaucoup de ces toxines interagissent également les unes avec les autres et produisent un stress oxydatif. Ces déchets doivent partir. Il a été scientifiquement prouvé que seul un corps appauvri est capable d'absorber les minéraux. La réponse est donc : détoxifier et reminéraliser. La façon la plus simple de le faire est d'utiliser des zéolithes. Celle-ci non seulement détoxifient de manière fiable, mais fournissent également au corps plus de 30 minéraux en même temps.

Le Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht (un physiologiste et chercheur en médecine spatiale allemand à l'Université Humboldt de Berlin) explique comment la zéolithe se comporte dans le corps et ce qui se passe dans le processus. Il convient également de mentionner que les minéraux contenus dans la zéolithe sont plus importants que les médicaments. Le point ici est que les acides / bases peuvent être équilibrés et les électrolytes, c'est-à-dire produire de l'électricité. Le silicium est « l'élément de contrôle » de presque tous les minéraux et le sous-approvisionnement chronique considéré comme normal aujourd'hui est «LE PROBLÈME». La zéolithe est la médecine du 21ème siècle, et malheureusement personne n'est intéressé à diffuser cette connaissance.

¤  La consommation de Zéolithe

Pour bénéficier des bienfaits de la zéolithe par voie orale : il convient de mettre une cuillère de sa poudre dans un verre d'eau, et surtout de bien mélanger pour en « activer » les ions, puis boire une gorgée et LA GARDER EN BOUCHE pendant 30 secondes avant de l'avaler(1), et on recommence jusqu'à ce que le verre soit vide.
Quant à la dose journalière, elle dépend de l'âge : un jeune se contentera de 2 à 3 g et avec l'âge elle passera à 5 g deux fois par jour, le matin à jeun et le soir une heure après le dîner. Le Prof. Hech prend 2 x 5 g par jour depuis plus de 20 ans et est en forme olympique malgré ses 97 ans.

(1) Ce qui aura pour effet de déclencher l'échange d'ions à travers les muqueuses de la cavité buccaleet la détoxification de celle-ci et de la dentition.

⚠️ ATTENTION : n'utilisez que de la zéolithe médicale et n'hésitez pas à acheter de la zéolithe de haute qualité.

¤  Documents de référence :

Et pourquoi pas un bonus au bonus

Special thanks to: [Cassou Net] [Christine S], [Fifo], [Jasperouge], [Rosie Posie], [Valérie, plein SUD] - from the group L'Antidote Universel (on Telegram) as well as to all the people who have made testimonials for their generous participation in this section.

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